House of Representatives

Daily Session Update

Prepared by the Office of the Parliamentarian

April 15, 2024

Convened at 12 NOON

Adjourned at 4:22 P.M.



Opening Prayer by Representative Ecker.

The House of Representatives adopted a Condolence Resolution honoring the memory of

law enforcement officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty.


Communications Received



Communications Received From the Senate



Voting Schedule



Concurrence in Senate Amendments



Concurrence in Senate Amendments to House Amendments



Bills on Second Consideration


HB 105 PN 2806

Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration


HB 254 PN 2740



       A03985 (KEPHART)

99-102     (FAIL)



Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration


HB 1220 PN 1311



       A03959 (STAATS)

98-103     (FAIL)


       A03961 (BARTON)




Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration as Amended


HB 1472 PN 1658



       A03810 (R. MACKENZIE)

99-102     (FAIL)


       A03957 (STAATS)

99-102     (FAIL)


       A03974 (B. MILLER)



       A03975 (BONNER)

99-102     (FAIL)


       A03977 (B. MILLER)

99-102     (FAIL)


       A03983 (ROAE)




Motion to Appeal Ruling of the Chair that A03983 is Out of Order





102-99       (Ruling of Chair Stands)


Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration as Amended


HB 1903 PN 2755



       A03960 (DAVANZO)



       A03976 (HEFFLEY)

99-102     (FAIL)



Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration as Amended


SB 979 PN 1206

Bill Agreed to on Second Consideration



Bills on Third Consideration & Final Passage


HB 1573 PN 2884


Sent to Senate for Concurrence

HB 1730 PN 2066


Sent to Senate for Concurrence

HB 1799 PN 2943


Sent to Senate for Concurrence

       A03996 (FREEMAN)



HB 1853 PN 2921


Sent to Senate for Concurrence

HB 2119 PN 2701


Sent to Senate for Concurrence

SB 709 PN 0841


Sent to Senate without Amendment


Bills Signed by the Speaker



Bills Referred


HR 346     Appropriations

HR 387     Veterans Affairs And Emergency Preparedness

HR 389     Consumer Protection, Technology And Utilities

HR 390     Health

HR 391     Education

HR 392     Health

HR 393     Children And Youth

HR 394     Judiciary

HR 395     Health

HR 396     Tourism And Economic And Recreational Development


HB 2206   Judiciary

HB 2207   Labor And Industry

HB 2208   Health

HB 2209   Game And Fisheries

HB 2211   Insurance

HB 2212   Liquor Control

HB 2213   Professional Licensure

HB 2214   Judiciary

HB 2215   Insurance


SB 831      Consumer Protection, Technology And Utilities

SB 975      Judiciary

SB 1018    Judiciary

SB 1127    Judiciary


Bills Recommitted


HB 105        To Approprations

HB 254        To Appropriations

HB 1220      To Appropriations

HB 1472      To Appropriations

HB 1903      To Appropriations


SB 979         To Appropriations


Bills ReReferred



Bills Reported from Committee


HR 346        From Approrations Re-Reported as Committed

HR 369        From Professional Licensure as Committed

HR 380        From Transportation as Committed

HR 277        From Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness as Committed

HR 381        From Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness as Committed


HB 1573      From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

HB 1730      From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

HB 1799      From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

HB 1853      From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

HB 2119      From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed

HB 2200      From Professional Licensure as Committed

HB 2161      From Transportation as Committed

HB 2203      From Transportation as Committed

HB 1463      From Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness as Amended


SB 709         From Appropriations Re-Reported as Committed


Bills Removed from the Tabled Calendar and Placed on the Active Calendar


HB 538

HB 1166

HB 1633

HB 2161


SB 945


Bills Removed from the Active Calendar and Placed on the Tabled Calendar



House Resolutions Adopted


HR 332

A Resolution recognizing the week of April 21 through 27, 2024, as "National Crime Victims' Rights Week" in Pennsylvania to recognize the rights of crime victims and survivors, along with those professionals who provide important services to victims of crime.       



This is not an official record of the day’s legislative activity.

The House of Representatives adjourned

Until, Tuesday, April 16, 2024  at 11 A.M.

unless sooner recalled by the Speaker.