Bill Information

House Bill 1877
2023-2024 Regular Session
An Act authorizing the transfer of administrative jurisdiction of portions of State park lands in exchange for certain lands situate in New Vernon Township, Mercer County, from the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to the Department of Transportation for anticipated highway improvement projects.
Co-Sponsorship Memo
Prime Sponsor
Photo of Representative Representative Timothy Bonner
Representative Timothy Bonner
R House District 17
Bill Status & History
Last Action: Referred to State Government, Dec. 5, 2023 House
2357 Referred to State Government, Dec. 5, 2023
Printers Numbers
Dec 05, 2023
PN 2357
There are no votes available.
Committee Meetings
There are no committee meetings available.
Statute References
There are no statute references for this bill.
House Bill 1877
2023-2024 Regular Session

Short Title
An Act authorizing the transfer of administrative jurisdiction of portions of State park lands in exchange for certain lands situate in New Vernon Township, Mercer County, from the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to the Department of Transportation for anticipated highway improvement projects.

Memo Subject
Transfer of Administrative Jurisdiction for Highway Project

2357 Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT, Dec. 5, 2023

Generated 09/16/2024 04:20 PM