Bill Information

House Resolution 475
2023-2024 Regular Session
A Resolution urging the Congress of the United States to protect consumers from government interference in the free markets and any actions that would weaken our national security by opposing Congressional efforts to overreach into the wallets of American consumers and small businesses.
Prime Sponsor
Photo of Representative Representative Thomas Kutz
Representative Thomas Kutz
R House District 87
Bill Status & History
Last Action: Referred to State Government, June 10, 2024 House
3279 Referred to State Government, June 10, 2024
Printers Numbers
Jun 10, 2024
PN 3279
There are no votes available.
Committee Meetings
There are no committee meetings available.
Statute References
There are no statute references for this bill.
House Resolution 475
2023-2024 Regular Session

Short Title
A Resolution urging the Congress of the United States to protect consumers from government interference in the free markets and any actions that would weaken our national security by opposing Congressional efforts to overreach into the wallets of American consumers and small businesses.

3279 Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT, June 10, 2024

Generated 09/16/2024 04:23 PM