Bill Information

House Resolution 9
2023-2024 Regular Session
A Resolution providing for the adoption of a temporary rule relating to the consideration of a resolution providing for the 2023-2024 General Operating Rules of the House of Representatives.
Prime Sponsor
Photo of Representative Representative Peter Schweyer
Representative Peter Schweyer
D House District 134
Bill Status & History
Last Action: (Remarks see House Journal Page 34-40), March 1, 2023 House
0003 Introduced, March 1, 2023
Adopted, March 1, 2023 (102-100)
(Remarks see House Journal Page 34-40), March 1, 2023
Printers Numbers
Mar 01, 2023
PN 3
Committee Meetings
There are no committee meetings available.
Statute References
There are no statute references for this bill.
House Resolution 9
2023-2024 Regular Session

Short Title
A Resolution providing for the adoption of a temporary rule relating to the consideration of a resolution providing for the 2023-2024 General Operating Rules of the House of Representatives.

0003 Introduced, March 1, 2023
Adopted, March 1, 2023 (102-100)
(Remarks see House Journal Page 34-40), March 1, 2023

Generated 09/16/2024 04:28 PM