House Committee Info

House Consumer Protection, Technology & Utilities

Majority Members
Photo of Representative Rep. Mandy Steele
Rep. Mandy Steele
D House District 33
Photo of Representative Rep. Lisa Borowski
Rep. Lisa Borowski
D House District 168
Subcommittee Chair on Consumer Protection
Photo of Representative Rep. Steven Malagari
Rep. Steven Malagari
D House District 53
Subcommittee Chair on Technology
Photo of Representative Rep. Nick Pisciottano
Rep. Nick Pisciottano
D House District 38
Subcommittee Chair on Utilities
Photo of Representative Rep. Danilo Burgos
Rep. Danilo Burgos
D House District 197
Photo of Representative Rep. Morgan Cephas
Rep. Morgan Cephas
D House District 192
Photo of Representative Rep. Joe Ciresi
Rep. Joe Ciresi
D House District 146
Photo of Representative Rep. Pat Gallagher
Rep. Pat Gallagher
D House District 173
Photo of Representative Rep. Matthew Gergely
Rep. Matthew Gergely
D House District 35
Photo of Representative Rep. MaryLouise Isaacson
Rep. MaryLouise Isaacson
D House District 175
Photo of Representative Rep. Brandon Markosek
Rep. Brandon Markosek
D House District 25
Photo of Representative Rep. Kyle Mullins
Rep. Kyle Mullins
D House District 112
Photo of Representative Rep. Brian Munroe
Rep. Brian Munroe
D House District 144
Republican Members
Photo of Representative Rep. Joe Hogan
Rep. Joe Hogan
R House District 142
Republican Secretary
Photo of Representative Rep. Alec Ryncavage
Rep. Alec Ryncavage
R House District 119
Subcommittee Republican Chair on Technology
Photo of Representative Rep. Kathleen Tomlinson
Rep. Kathleen Tomlinson
R House District 18
Subcommittee Republican Chair on Consumer Protection
Photo of Representative Rep. Craig Williams
Rep. Craig Williams
R House District 160
Subcommittee Republican Chair on Utilities
Photo of Representative Rep. Aaron Kaufer
Rep. Aaron Kaufer
R House District 120
Photo of Representative Rep. Abby Major
Rep. Abby Major
R House District 60
Photo of Representative Rep. Thomas Mehaffie
Rep. Thomas Mehaffie
R House District 106
Photo of Representative Rep. Natalie Mihalek
Rep. Natalie Mihalek
R House District 40
Photo of Representative Rep. Brett Miller
Rep. Brett Miller
R House District 41
Photo of Representative Rep. Jason Ortitay
Rep. Jason Ortitay
R House District 46
Consumer Protection
Photo of Representative Rep. Lisa Borowski
Rep. Lisa Borowski
D House District 168
Subcommittee Chair
Photo of Representative Rep. Morgan Cephas
Rep. Morgan Cephas
D House District 192
Photo of Representative Rep. Joe Ciresi
Rep. Joe Ciresi
D House District 146
Photo of Representative Rep. Mandy Steele
Rep. Mandy Steele
D House District 33
Photo of Representative Rep. Kathleen Tomlinson
Rep. Kathleen Tomlinson
R House District 18
Subcommittee Republican Chair
Photo of Representative Rep. Natalie Mihalek
Rep. Natalie Mihalek
R House District 40

Photo of Representative Rep. Steven Malagari
Rep. Steven Malagari
D House District 53
Subcommittee Chair
Photo of Representative Rep. Brandon Markosek
Rep. Brandon Markosek
D House District 25
Photo of Representative Rep. Kyle Mullins
Rep. Kyle Mullins
D House District 112
Photo of Representative Rep. Brian Munroe
Rep. Brian Munroe
D House District 144
Photo of Representative Rep. Alec Ryncavage
Rep. Alec Ryncavage
R House District 119
Subcommittee Republican Chair
Photo of Representative Rep. Aaron Kaufer
Rep. Aaron Kaufer
R House District 120

Photo of Representative Rep. Nick Pisciottano
Rep. Nick Pisciottano
D House District 38
Subcommittee Chair
Photo of Representative Rep. Danilo Burgos
Rep. Danilo Burgos
D House District 197
Photo of Representative Rep. Matthew Gergely
Rep. Matthew Gergely
D House District 35
Photo of Representative Rep. Kyle Mullins
Rep. Kyle Mullins
D House District 112
Photo of Representative Rep. Craig Williams
Rep. Craig Williams
R House District 160
Subcommittee Republican Chair
Photo of Representative Rep. Brett Miller
Rep. Brett Miller
R House District 41